The Souda Shelter
Souda Shelter is home to over 90 abandoned puppies and dogs. Ready to make a difference?
Adopt or donate today and give these animals the love and care they deserve! Located near Chania, Crete, we provide care for abandoned and stray animals, with your support.
We love to have visitors. Please, make appointments! It will usually be in the late morning hours.
Start the new year with a meaningful commitment – sponsor a dog for just €20 per month and change a life forever!

This is Rio!

Our main goal is to prioritize the animals’ mental and physical well being allowing us to have top rated animals for adoption.
Albertina, her first day in her new home, sound asleep and smiling. Good luck and good life in your new family Albertina, we will miss you.
How do I adopt?
1. Read how the process works
2. Browse our dogs or think about the characteristics your dog should have
3. Fill out either our pdf adoption application or fill out our online adoption application
4. If we do not answer withhin three workdays, contact us!
Download our adoption application PDF, fill out and send it by email (see Contact):
Fill out our Online Adoption Application:

Is there anything I can do?
Yes, there is!
There is more than one way to help and we need them all!
- We need donations for food, medication, vaccinations, rent, petrol, wages….
- We need people who are willing to sponsor one of our beloved dogs
- We need people to share and spread the word and repost and this way to find new homes, staff, volunteers, fosters and donars ! Tell the world about us!
- We need staff. Come and work with us!
- We need volunteers. Join us!
- We need temporary fosters on Crete.
Save a Life: Feed a Shelter Dog Today!
Electronic bank transfer:
KYN-WNIA IBAN GR65 0690 0010 0000 0018 6013 001 BIC STXAGRA2

Volunteers keep shelters running

Tiny puppies need fosters on Crete
“…We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals…..”
Immanuel Kant