The Future of the Shelter
What is going on with the Souda Shelter Project?
At the moment the shelter has to close in Summer 2021.
We still have every intention to find a fitting ground and to build a legal, proper shelter. One for dogs, one for cats, one for animals in need.
Slim pickings. We have not had a big choice of properties to look at. Over the last two years we might have looked at less than ten. We understand that a shelter in a neighborhood is undesirable but we do not desire to be in a neighborhood either.
How can you help?
Do you own a property? Do you know someone who does? Have you driven past an area with a for sale sign?
What are we looking for?
- We are looking for an area from 7-10 stremmata/ 7.000 to 10.000 square meters.
- We are looking for an area AT LEAST two kilometers from any residency.
- We would like there to be access to water and to electricity.
- We would like there to be access to a paved road.
- We would like there to be an existing building on the land but if not that is okay, at least for the land to be somewhat leveled without big boulders.
- We would prefer it to be already fenced in.
- We want to buy it.
Please share this information.
Let’s get the ball rolling.
Let’s raise the bar on animal welfare in Crete and in Greece, together.