Jule (Tiere suchen ein Zuhause) (adopted)

Jule (Tiere suchen ein Zuhause) (adopted)
Update 17.04.2024:
Now Jule is a TV star! But she is still looking for a good home.
Her story:
Baby Jule was picked up by myself and Simone Sombecki (Tiere suchen ein zu Hause) while we had the pleasure of welcoming the German animal program in Chania.
Jule was picked up alongside her brother Flea while we had the pleasure of welcoming the German TV program “Tiere suchen ein Zuhause” towards the end of last year. A woman had contacted Elizabeth about two dogs living in the field below their home; one of them had deformed legs. This dog was Jule.
Both dogs were taken to the vet the day we picked them up. Besides being treated for parasites, Jule’s legs were x-rayed. Whether the cause of her deformed legs is a congenital defect, insufficient vitamins during her growth phase, or an untreated injury is difficult to determine.
In any case, she will need to see an orthopedic specialist in the near future. Apart from her handicap, Jule is absolutely healthy and a dream of a dog. She is incredibly affectionate and sensitive. When you pick her up, she will snuggle in as close as she can. Jule is always cheerful and friendly but can also make herself clear to the other dogs. She loves to play and dig and enjoys long cuddle sessions and naps in the sun❤️ Be a part of our project and consider giving our adorable Jule a chance at the new and better life that she deserves.
Click on this pic for the documentary!

Born in April 2023, she’s spent most of her young life in the shelter, patiently waiting for her forever home. She is the sister of Mr. Flea.