Donate now

The Souda Shelter Project receives no government support and relies totally on donations of money, time and materials from our dedicated supporters, like you. Your donations of money, time, and materials are the lifeblood of our mission, ensuring that we can continue providing essential care to those in need.

We run on a very small and carefully managed budget, with minimal operational costs like salaries, and basic needs like water and vital veterinary care. Your gift of money helps us pay for food, medical treatment, and basic expenses.

How to donate money:

      • Paypal
      • Electronic bank transfer:
        • KYN-WNIA
          IBAN GR65 0690 0010 0000 0018 6013 001
          BIC STXAGRA2


Every little bit helps

You can help support our shelter by making a donation, whether it’s a one-time gift or a recurring contribution. Every little bit helps us provide food, shelter, and medical care for our furry friends in need.

Fundraise for the Shelter: Get Involved

Consider organizing a fundraising event in your community, such as a charity walk, birthday parties, bake sale, pet photo contest, raffle or auction. Your creativity and effort can make a big difference in the lives of the animals we care for.

Spread the word about our shelter and the work we do. Sharing our mission on social media, with friends and family, or at your workplace can help us reach more people who may be willing to contribute to our cause.

Maybe you want to help with goods?

Consider that the postage is often higher than the worth of the material.

If you are visiting us, it would be fantastic if you use all the weight your airlines allows. Just ask what we need at that moment.  BUT you can also BUY these things here on Crete!

Cash gifts and goods are welcome, but there are many other ways to support the Project; see our pages FOSTER and VOLUNTEER. We always need short- and longterm fosters on Crete.

If you are interested what KYN-WNIA stands for, please read our ABOUT US page.

The best way to find yourself
is to lose yourself
in the service of others.
Mahatma Gandhi


We can always make use of the following items – both new and gently used. Drop off at the Shelter (please contact us before you come) or call us and we can pick up.

Food, treats, vitamins, medical supplies, bedding, beds, crates, blankets, towels, collars, leashes, cleaning supplies, bowls and we always need things to REPAIR the shelter (tools, screws etc. ) .



We are always looking for volunteers.

Can you help with caring for the dogs, driving to vet appointments, socializing and exercising our dogs, cleaning, building new and safe housing, fund raising or other vital tasks?

Or are good at repairing fences etc.?

Just a few hours of your time each week can make a difference. Let us know what your interests are and what skills you have and we can put you to work!

Or, if you want to visit Crete, consider helping during your stay part-time. There are many beach resorts with wonderful beaches near the shelter.

Be a part of our project!