Find a Dog or a Cat


Just enter the name – if you remember it –

  • name of dog


    select the category (f.e. Dogs for Adoption or Puppies) to find one of our beloved ones.
  • specific category of the dog



Just enter the name – if you remember it –

  • name of cat


select the category (f.e.Cats for Adoption)

  • specific category of the cat

If you don’t find here what you are looking for, just contact us.  We’ll help finding the right dog for you!

Below are some explanations of search words:

Special needs

We have some handicapped dogs for adoption at the shelter and also dogs that will need a experienced owner.

If the dog has leishmania, you can find more infos here.


The xoxDOGS are all dogs that are old and have a limited time of life left. We would so much love to show them how beautiful life can be and to give them a chance to experience life at it’s best,– a warm bed, loving hands, walks in a park, peace and quiet.

It is difficult to find homes to dogs with not that much time left. Therefore we would like to offer lifelong foster care. This means that you don’t pay any adoptionfee but you pay for their food.

To foster a xoxDog is about giving a dog a meaningful and peaceful life, about living here and now, about giving and receiving the greatest gift of all – love!

For more details about foster one of our xoxDogs and one of the special needs dogs please Contact Us.


Black dog syndrome or big black dog syndrome is a phenomenon in which black dogs are passed over for adoption in favor of lighter-colored animals.  (see also Wikipedia: Black Dog Syndrome).

So, please give our black dogs a chance!

Adoption Stories (category)

Read what owners tell about their new dogs.