Apo (Adopted) known from TV

Birthday: January 2014
Breed: Mix
Castrated: Yes
Color: Tri Color
Size: Small
Update: Now a TV star in Germany!
Apo in the German show “Tiere suchen ein zu Hause”
The clip when Apo was found and picked up.
Description: Everyone loves Apo, Apo loves everyone! A truly loving boy, he wants nothing more than to be stroked, cuddled, loved. He loves a lap to lean on, it is gentle touch that inspires him, rather than treats.
Apo was found walking on the streets in the city, & it appears he had managed to survive by himself for a long time. He had an old injury to one leg/ shoulder but it doesn’t bother him much.
A small dog, he’s what is called a ‘yard dog’, with stumpy little legs. Gorgeous fluffy boy, suitable for any family.