Snow Queen (adopted)

Update 11.4.2022:
Thank you Sophie for not only being a superb Souda Shelter mom to your Feta, for being an awesome lady but for coming to the shelter and rescuing Snow Queen, taking her with and fostering her in Luxembourg
We thank you!
Her story:
What a beauty!
The mom Snow Queen came with four babies: 1) Dino boy 2) Santa boy 3) Rudy boy 4)Flöckchen girl
The puppies were born around 18. September 2021.
Snow Queen, dog with a mission. Isn´t she just adorable?
Snow Queen came to shelter with her four puppies that are old enough now to be without their momma what makes her ready for adoption. Snow Queen is a beagle mix and shows breed specific behavior. She´s always on a mission, always with her nose on the grounds, always looking for a hole to dig or to slip through. That´s one thing that needs to be kept in mind when adopting her. Other than that Snow Queen is a very uncomplicated, friendly, small, young girl. Nice with other dogs and very food motivated
Click here to see where the little family was found.