Emily Handicapped (adopted)

Name: Emily
Date of Birth: April 2020
Neutered: no
Emily now lives in Germany.
Foster home or permanent home ASAP needed.
Τhis is Emily. She was hit by a car and found after days of dragging herself with infected wounds. The wounds are better and she is not hungry any more. It looks like she has some sense of her back legs! But at the moment she can’t walk.
Emily is barely an adult… She moves a little her paws but she can’t walk the x ray didn’t show any spine damage so it’s probably neurological.
She needs diapers she is having physiotherapy daily. She gets stronger but she drags her back part of the body. She has been like this for long; so the vet can’t give more answers.
She is super friendly… And very happy to be around people.
She has a foster home until the end result of September
after that she will probably be euthanized.