
Birthday: 2015
Breed: Mix
Size: Medium
Description: The lovable Miss Liza Bea. Besides being beautiful, with lovely manners, she is a snuggle bug, funny, loves to play and a joy to have around. We so hope she finds a good home soon to spread the love.
Bea was left to us by her owner but not abandoned.
He asked if he could leave her to us with a very heavy heart. See he saved Bea when she was just a pup and she was hit by a car on the highway. He rushed her to a vet where they took care of her broken leg and he kept her. He swore they would be together forever.
Until recently.
Recently he was diagnosed with cancer. He lived alone all except for Bea. He said his cancer was far advanced and did not know if he would ever leave the hospital again.
He requested we take her.
He believed that she would be well taken care of at Souda Shelter.
And take care of her we will.
But this is an animal who lived in a home one-on-one with her person. At the moment she is starving for attention. She is very sweet, very loving, very deserving of a beautiful home. Although it may not seem so in the picture, she is a small to medium dog. Approximately one year and a half