Some animals just need a loving home to transform them into the cuddly, warm creatures we know dogs to be.
You remember Tanner?
Always nervous, always running up and down the shelter anxiously “keeping watch”.
We NEVER had the chance to pet him.
He NEVER gave us the feeling of trust.
And so he left, nervous and unsure.
And so were we, nervous and unsure of if they would love and understand him as much as we do.
Look at Tanner now.
This is what we mean when rescuers say not to overlook the shy dog or the scared dog or the dog that won’t look you in the eye.
Everyone deserves a chance and you just might learn that that shy one has a bigger character, a funnier sense of humor than the dog who is jumping up and down in front of you.
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The Souda Shelter Project
Κάποια ζώα χρειάζονται ένα στοργικό σπίτι για να τα μετατρέψουν σε αγαπησιάρικα, ζεστά πλάσματα.
Θυμάστε τον Τάνερ;
Πάντα νευρικός, τρέχοντας πάνω και κάτω στο καταφύγιο με αγωνία «παρακολουθώντας» τα πάντα.
ΠΟΤΕ δεν είχαμε την ευκαιρία να τον χαϊδέψουμε.
ΠΟΤΕ δεν μας έδωσε το αίσθημα εμπιστοσύνης.
Και έτσι έφυγε, νευρικός και αγχωμένος.
Και έτσι και εμείς, νευρικοί και αγχωμένοι με το αν θα τον αγαπούσαν και θα τον καταλάβαιναν σαν κι εμείς.
Κοιτάξτε το Tanner σήμερα.
Αυτό ακριβώς εννοούμε όταν οι ζωόφιλη λένε να μην παραβλέπετε το ντροπαλό σκυλί ή το φοβισμένο σκυλί ή το σκυλί που δεν θα σας κοιτάζει στα μάτια.
Όλοι αξίζουν μια ευκαιρία και ίσως να μάθετε ότι αυτός ο ντροπαλός έχει μεγαλύτερο χαρακτήρα, μια πιο αστεία αίσθηση του χιούμορ από τον σκύλο που πηδά μπροστά σας.
Gender: Male
Birthday: September 2015
Breed: Mix
Castrated: Yes
Size: Medium
Description: Tanner is one of the dogs that is out during the day to interact with people and the other dogs. So he is used to lots of dogs around him & lots of people coming & going. If things get busy he will choose to go into his dog house. He’ll make a strong bond with his person. We think he would be best in a home where he can find his own safe place when things get too busy around him.
July 2019
Tanner with Dahlia, August 2019, enjoying the spacious centre of the shelter
So social with every dog in the shelter, he’s actually taken on the role of protector, barking when something is not right. Up until just recently he would not come within three meters of a person. Now of course, with the calm, loving disposition of our superb staff, he’s coming over curious to see if you have any treats to offer him. This is the character of a dog that I see regularly that leaves the shelter and becomes a loyal, faithful, loving and obedient animal. Give him that chance. He is a healthy male approximately four years old Leishmania free, castrated, fully vaccinated and ready to be your dog