Baroness (adopted)

Baroness (adopted)


The sadness in Baroness’ eyes shall now be erased.
Baroness has been adopted and will be living in Nio Horio!
This majestic, brilliant shepherd will start her new life where she’ll be the center of her human’s eye. She will have a home and a warm bed and her family to love and protect. She will have peace and security.
We’ll miss her. We love her. We’re so happy for her.
Good luck and Good life Baroness❤️
Η θλίψη στα μάτια της Bαρόνης θα διαγραφεί.
Η Bαρόνη έχει υιοθετηθεί και θα ζει στο Nιό Χωριό!
Αυτή η μεγαλοπρεπή, πανέξυπνη λύκενα θα ξεκινήσει τη νέα της ζωή όπου θα είναι η μεγάλη αγάπη της οικογένειας της. Θα έχει το σπίτι της και το ζεστό κρεβάτι της. Θα έχει αγάπη και προστασία. Θα έχει ειρήνη και ασφάλεια.
Θα μας λείψει. Την αγαπάμε. Είμαστε τόσο χαρούμενοι γι ‘αυτήν.
Καλή τύχη και καλή ζωή Βαρόνη


Meet Baroness!

Baroness is a lovely animal. She is an old-school shepherd with a straight back. She is truly a classic. She is very good with other animals but must be alpha female. She is exceptionally obedient with humans!

She was born about May 2017.

These two lost souls were a nuisance to some people at the Hellenic Navy Base. You see, they showed up outside the elementary school and this was very displeasing for some parents.

The Hellenic Navy had attempted to receive help from the municipality with no results. So they called us. Because the animals lives were threatened we moved quick.

Today they are in our care, they will be checked out by licensed veterinarians, they will be well fed, socialized and cared for and hopefully they will be adopted and live happy lives.

Yep, another pittie and GSD…meet Baroness our new German shepherd, who seems to have been used as a breeding machine and Carmine, Pitt bull one blue eyed beauty. If you’d like to help us with their vaccinations and upkeep, please find our bank/paypal information when you click the “shop now” button.

Thank you❤️