

Update 23.11.2020:

As Elizabeth said, it might be the daughter Joni. She’s very shy with people but has gotten a lot better recently. Still, she needs a special person with lots of patience. She’s not aggressive.<br> She’s great with other dogs and can be very playful. She loves all kinds of balls and toys and she’s very food-motivated.<br> Maria is still shy, but she’s been making some great progress over the last few weeks.

Her story:

What love does.<br> What concentrating on the mental health of each animal, evaluating it every day does.

What the team at the Souda Shelter Project does.

Maria was saved when a farm was raided by police and animal welfare people. The farm was a nightmare of a place with slaughtered animal carcasses next to living animals, all on top of mounds of feces. The stench is what gave this place away. Rabbits, chickens, pigs, and dogs all lived on this terrible compound. All the animals were removed and placed in safe, healthy environments.

Maria was terrified and completely anti-social when we got her. Her skin was a mess, her eyes were a mess. She was a mess, curled in a ball, 20 of the 24 hours a day.

Look at this stunning creature now.

She is still timid around humans but not to the degree she was when she first came in. She has loads of potential and a road ahead of her.

In a one-on-one environment, she should bond quite quickly; she should excel even faster. Look how she has excelled till now. It has only been a few months.

Please consider her. She is a diamond in the rough.

Before photos below.

Be a part of our project.

The Souda Shelter Project.