Phil (adopted)

Phil (adopted)
Update 19.09.2022:
I realized after living with Phil for over one month that he was probably not a stray and he most definitely was tripped over and had his leg broken.
Phil adores people. He has to be so near them he would climb into their clothes if he could!
I must have tripped over him at least ten times. He has now learned to be careful.
His brace was removed and he is back in the kindergarten at the shelter, enjoying himself with the other young ones.
His leg is fully healed, he is house trained and he is a bundle of love!
Consider Phil today!
His story:
“Is dinner ready, mom?”
This is Phil, short for Philanthropos. Phil loves his human. He adores him.
Phil was brought to us with a very bad break in his leg.
He had an operation where pins were put into his bone to straighten it. Phil came to my home to recover.
After some weeks, the pins have now been removed and Phil is at his best. Well, at his best for a puppy but not at all at his best for my household.
You see I have four seniors in my home and they don’t like the new Phil.
He’s too loud for them, too boisterous, too full of life.
They want quiet, they are grumpy, he gets on their nerves.
That means that after living in a home for so many weeks Phil must go to the shelter. Not that the shelter is a bad place, its a kindergarten. Lots of little Phils.
But just so you know, Phil is housetrained, Phil is housebroken, Phil is a housecat.
Please consider this beauty.
He is a sweetheart.
Just look at those eyes.
Phil is 5 month and will grow to a medium size, 17-22kg.
Baby Phil.
A human brought him to us on Monday. His leg twisted and broken.
The human told us that Phil was a stray but the tears in the human’s eyes told us something else.
The human was of the senior kind, local, who most definitely has a very limited budget.
Today Phil will be operated on and external hardware will be added to keep the broken bones in place.
Costly but without consideration, all other methods compromised his leg.