Pooh (adopted)

Update 12.12.2022:
Baby Pooh was diagnosed with a sarcoma on his shoulder at seven months. We had it removed and he has been in remission since.
He is happily living in England (and Germany).
Below is Pooh and my two most favorite siblings, Maria and Steffi, who come and volunteer with us whenever they have free time Got to love people like this! Happy holidays ladies! May all the good you do come back to you. Happy holidays Pooh! To many more healthy happy holidays with your beautiful family!
Update 27.6.2022:
Our baby Pooh is back at the shelter after being gone for over a month.
The scar on his shoulder is from a cancer which was removed.
A cancer which shocked the veterinary community.
A cancer which is rarely ever seen in such a young pup.
We are waiting for the biopsy to confirm the doctor‘s prognosis.
For now Pooh is playing and eating and enjoying all the love he can get.
For now we will hope that the cancer has been completely removed.
For now we will still look for a home for him and wish him a beautiful future.
I’m not saying it because he was diagnosed with cancer but he is truly one of the most beautiful dogs I have ever come in contact with, a shepherd, a loyal shepherd.
I would like to see him home, take him home.

Update 26.5.2022:
Pooh has cancer and the prognosis is not so good!!!
Surgery was very difficult.
Cancer was rooted deep in the muscle and lots of muscle had to be removed from Pooh’s shoulder.
Lots of pain.
Prognosis not so positive.
We wait for biopsy and take it day by day.
Can someone please open their home to this baby just for recovery?
That would be a blessing 

On facebook before surgery: click here
His story:
Pooh is a handsome boy. He was born in January 2022 and is brother of Winnie. They were abandoned in front of the shelter!