Spencer (adopted)

Update 17.7.2022:
Neues vom Spenceman,
Er ist jetzt seit 27.Mai hier und seit gestern sucht er aktiv nach Nähe bei den Menschen und der Hera. Er will kuscheln, die Zeit heilt doch die meisten Wunden. Er ist wieder bereit für Liebe

Update 1.6.2022:
Spencer is now in his furever home. With Donald!!!

Bin zuhause angekommen
euer spencer aus dem rudel antigone and gang 

Update 16.05.2022:
Spencer is a very old gentlemen but he needs medication, can’t bear stress plus he is not house-trained. So, who in his right mind would give him a home?
He needs medication for his eyes, asthma and he needs a completely quiet house without stress. A garden is a requirement; no walks needed in the foreseeable future as a leash stress him too.
His first foster mom tells:
There is so much I wanted to tell you about our lovely boy, but let’s stay in touch and please send me photo’s when he arrives. I’m sending you some photo’s of his medication. The 1st two are eye ointments, once per day. The other is for his allergic asthma – he needs 1/4 tablet once per day until Thursday, then 1/4 every other day for 5 days then stop, the vet said it’s quite common during winter months. One of my cats caught him in his right eye and caused it to bleed. It should be okay by tomorrow, I’ve just bathed it with cold water this afternoon. Please let me know if you need to know anything else at this moment in time. Take care of him and cuddle him from me.
Eye cream and drops – 1 per day both eyes, put the cream in first, leave for over 15 minutes then apply the drops (one drop per eye). The vet doesn’t know what causes the small asthma episodes, it could be dust, cat fur, perfume etc., he said it normally goes once the weather gets warmer. You’ll probably get him checked with your own vet so he can tell you more. I generally give him his medicine then a small treat afterwards. The tablet I put in some soft cheese triangles. He’s on his way now. Please let me know when he has arrived with you as I fell in love with him 

Toileting, this is something I was not able to train him with (Elizabeth was told about this too) but because I have to work at my desk for 8 hours a day this was very difficult. When he woke up in the morning I would quickly take him outside and he would poo and normally pee too. It didn’t matter how long we went out for a walk, he never peed or pooed. I would watch out for the signs inside, barking or lifting his leg. He normally barked after he had done it.
He couldn’t see when he was here, just maybe light and darkness. His eyes were clear, but generally he needed his eyes wiping.
His story:
Our latest super senior, Spencer.
Fully blind in one eye, partially blind in the other, deaf but oh so lucky that our volunteer Lisa spotted him on her way home.
Locked up in a little cage, damp, dirty and not fit for a senior dog to live, Lisa begged us to take him in.
Obviously being an owned dog we had to speak with his owner who gladly surrendered him because he himself is too old to care for him.
And that’s how we got Spencer. He’s more than 10 years old.