Ethan *extremely graphic* (adopted)

The heavy chain is gone and along with it the agonizing, continuous pain.
No longer do I have the feeling of crawling creatures in my flesh.
No longer am I anxious to find shade or water or food.
No longer do I feel unheard, unseen, invisible.
They pet me here. They talk in a sweet tone. They calm the pain and soothe the burn.
I can rest. I can sleep. I can play without any chain restricting me. I can make friends. I can trust.
Ethan is an exceptional character. It showed from the first minutes at the shelter. Regardless of all of his pain, his abuse, he is open to a friendship with us. He wants our attention and our love.
This will be a grade A, TOP family dog.
We have a lot of them here in Greece.
Too bad they are overlooked.
As we say though, “one man’s garbage is another man’s treasure”
Make Ethan your treasure today.❤️
Be a part of the project.
The Souda Shelter Project.
Adopt. Donate. Share.
His story:
This animal, from what it seems, was chained his whole life. Possibly from a pup. Chained, with a heavy, hot, hard chain. Illegally chained because Hellenic law foresees the 24 hour chaining of an animal as illegal.
Agne called me last night in a state of panic. Agne is an experienced rescuer, she has done this her whole life and has seen, heard and smelled plenty of situations. Her voice on the other line trembled when I answered and I was afraid to hear what she had to say.
Just the smell shut her down. Just the smell. The thousands of flies? The maggots?
This animal was being eaten alive. Slowly. Torturously.
His monster of an owner did not care to take him to the vet, did not care to remove the chain, he just threw him away. Thank God, he threw him away somewhere where he could be found.
He was rushed to the vet, off hours, by our caretaker Nikos. He will stay in our care till one of you decide that you want to show this animal the brighter side of life.
He is a young boy. His name is Ethan.
Be a part of our project.
The animals need us.
The Souda Shelter Project