Joni (Passed away)

Update 27.11.2024:
Joni passed away.
Elizabeth wrote:
She didn’t prefer me when it came to choosing company.
You see, I was usually the bad guy, taking her to vets, clipping her thumb nails, escorting her to groomers.
She avoided me at times. I would see her see me and change her course. This behavior wouldn’t sadden me, it would make me giggle. Other times she put up with me, let me brush her, sing to her, talk baby talk. I could imagine what she might have been saying about me but I didn’t care, I adored her. And so did everyone else.
Joni was brought to us quite a few years back (2019) by the police when the farm she was “living” at was raided and all of the animals confiscated due to the terrible, tremendously hazardous conditions there.
We took in Joni and who I believe to be her daughter, Maria (who is still with us).
Back then Joni was tied to a big heavy chain, birthing continuously, living amongst corpses and living beings and their excrements.
Joni was a shy animal but when she loved, she loved big. I have seen her do little dances at the sight of certain people. I have seen her follow others and no, I didn’t believe it was for the treats. These were big gestures for a creature with such modesty.
Joni was an impressive animal. Huge in size. Her fur was that of an arctic animal. Her mane that of a lion’s. She was intimidating if you didn’t know her but the truth of the matter is that she wouldn’t hurt a fly.
Although she came to us somewhat broken, we, (all of us who cared for her I am sure) would like to believe we gave her relief, we lightened the darkness and showed her that she was special. Which undoubtedly she was.
Have a tireless journey, Joni. We hope the pain and the sadness are gone.
You are and will always be our good girl.
Update 9.1.2024:
The Bear. Joni.
Joni was brought to us a few years ago.
Joni was there with her daughter Maria, whom we also have.
Joni is a quiet animal, somewhat timid and cautious if she does not know you.
God only knows what her eyes have seen.
She is an impressive animal, 35+kilo but she is low maintenance. She does not ask for much. She is a senior and only requires food and a cushy bed.

She does not have an aggressive bone in her body although her looks and her size intimidate.
Consider this majestic creature.
She will definitely be a conversation piece for sure! No one can not meet her and not have a comment to say.
Adopt our Joni today.

Update 23.08.2023:
Joni, our real life teddy bear.
Joni was confiscated with her daughter, Maria, by police from a farm in Platanias where they found extremely bad conditions. There were dead corpses next to live animals. There were mounds of feces throughout the space and there was Joni, evidence showing she had been there for years, tied and severely neglected.
Joni has been with us far too many years already.

She is a very big girl, over 40kg. She is getting older and although she is quite comfortable with us (this is her lounging in her doghouse) a personal home would be best.
Her disposition is quiet, reserved and she is very low energy.
She loves her rubs.
Joni is a beautiful soul who had seen so much yet retains her kindness.
Consider her today!
Update 2.8.2022:
Joni is slowly feeling better.

Joni is big, fluffy teddy bear. She´s shy with strangers, but does little happy dances for people she loves what´s the cutes thing on earth to watch. She barks to strangers at the fence, but has never ever shown any kind of aggression to any person or any other dog.
She´s great with other dogs, males and females a like.
She´ll need short but regular exercise to loose some weight.
His story:
Joni and Maria are two animals which were confiscated from a hell hole of a farm where other animals were confiscated as well.
Just after the arrival

September 2019 Pigs, chickens, rabbits living amongst shit another dead animals They are both Cautious but Joni is a bit more on the shy side. Joni is a bit antisocial where Maria is just cautious but will approach you. Give them a few months with this team and they will be happy-go-lucky.