
Breed: Mix
Castrated: Yes
Description: Hey everybody, Firecracker here.
One day Elizabeth had spotted me in the back of a pickup truck which was passing outside of the shelter. There I sat with practically no hair on my body, bloody sores and severely malnourished. She stopped the driver of the truck to tell him that I needed medical attention. The driver answered her that he was on his way to the vet. That’s when the driver drove away in a hurry.
Something didn’t sit right with Elizabeth so she decided to follow him. A little bit further up the road the pickup truck was pulled over and I was already thrown on the street.
Elizabeth did not stop for me but sped up to catch my owner. She returned for me after having a few harsh words with him.
Since then life has been pretty good.
People have been pretty good.
I’m actually pet and fed and well taken care of.
I have been taken to the vet where I’ve been diagnosed with Leishmania.
Ever since we have started therapy my hair has grown back, my sores have closed and I have begun to gain weight.
Along with gaining weight I have also begun gaining the will to have better.
They tell me that having an owner, a real owner and a real home where they let you go inside is the best it could be.
I want that for myself.
Can YOU help me?
See Elizabeth has done all that she can to ensure my well-being.
Now it is your turn do to something. Ensure my happiness. Adopt me.