Aida (fostered in the Netherlands)

Aida (fostered in the Netherlands)

Update 20.7.2022:


Aida was born in October 2013 and was left in a box as a very small puppy in front of the shelter.

Aida came to the Netherlands in the vicinity of Breda in August 2021 where she has been fostered.

She is a medium sized dog of 22 kg.

Aida is completely housebroken, has no problem with other dogs, not even a problem with cats, chickens and guinea pigs.

She is a modest, but insecure girl who is very quiet in the house, does not demand attention, does not destroy anything.

There was one unsuccessful placement of 3 months in the meantime.

What does her foster mom say?

We are looking for the right people.

Aida has so much to offer and she is so sweet. She is not aggressive at all. She doesn’t bark.

But she is very, very shy. She can walk on a leash but it stresses her very much.

She is very scared in the car. You can not do anything with her, only let her be.

So a big secured garden is a must. She needs a very quiet home with few people.

She needs a person who understands her and someone who can read her bodysignals. A second dog can help; if this dog isn’t a very dominant dog.

Aida is completely housebroken, has no problem with other dogs -maybe she’s a bit shy-, not even a problem with cats, chickens and guinea pigs. She is a modest, but insecure girl who is very quiet in the house and does not demand attention.

A home in peace where she can walk in the garden without walks on the leash. Further she doesn’t need much, she is fast content!

I am so proud of her every time she shows a wag, a tail in the air, a more relaxed face!”

Update 6.3.2022:

Aida hat ihr eigenes tolles Zuhause in den Niederlanden gefunden!!
Wir freuen uns so sehr für dieses süße Mädchen!

Her story:

Gender: Female

Birthday: October 2013

Breed: Mix

Castrated: Yes

Color:  Black and white

Size: Medium

Description: Have you meet our Aida, she is a sweet-natured female?


Update 22.11.2021:

Our Aida in Holland at the fabulous foster Bianca’s home♥️
Seems she is ready for a home.
Aida is looking for her own loving home.
After living more than 7 years in the Souda shelter on Crete from a puppy, Aida was born on August 1. came to the Netherlands in the vicinity of Breda. She turned 8 on October 10. She is a medium sized dog of 18 kg.
Aida did not know family life at all. She does not yet have much faith in humans, it will take a lot of time to give her that confidence. She has always remained very in the background and not seen in the shelter.
Aida is completely housebroken, has no problem with other dogs, not even a problem with cats, chickens and guinea pigs. She is a modest, but insecure girl who is very quiet in the house, does not demand attention, does not destroy anything.
Aida is docile. She really enjoys running in the garden. She is getting more and more in shape. Aida knows walking on a leash on a harness.
She sleeps through the night and is not overly watchful.
Aida has no food allergy, she currently eats the standard royal canin chunks.
Aida is friendly by nature, because she was not socialized as a puppy, she is now an insecure dog and not used to everyday circumstances. She is also insecure/anxious about the fact that she had to “survive” in the shelter where the dogs were treated unfriendly in her first years by the then staff of the shelter.
Aida is sterilized, Leishmania negative, Ehrlichia negative.
We are looking for a patient person in a quiet environment who understands her behavior in a loving house with a garden where she can be pampered, she is already very satisfied with a soft warm basket. A playmate would be great for her to support and run with.
Her story:

She rather stay in the background waiting for you to see her. Patiently waiting for her own treats and her own forever family.


Yeeeesss, I DID put on a little weight…so what?
Maybe I need YOU to help me to get rid of it.
January 2020

Aida is approximately six years of age and has spent her whole life in the shelter.

She came with her siblings Xania and Shep.

She is a semi shy girl who loves to play but is overwhelmed by the shelter environment.

Aida is a healthy lady, free of Leishmania and Erlichia.

Aida, January 2020

Aida would be a low maintenance pet, give her loving and a comfy corner of your home and we are pretty sure she will settle in immediately.

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