Marlon (adopted)

Do you remember Marlon? One of the five brothers, very cautious and shy. You almost couldn’t touch him. He left the shelter some weeks ago to his forever home .
And look at it him now, what a transformation! That‘s what love does!
His four brothers OSGOOD,BARON,IGOR and BADOO are still wait for THEIR people in the shelter. No matter how anxious a dog in the shelter may be, it will change as soon as it has its own couch and loved home.
Be part of the project.
Adopt. Donate. Share.❤️
Erinnert Ihr Euch an Marlon? Einer der fünf Brüder, sehr vorsichtig und schüchtern. Man konnte ihn so gut wie nie anfassen. Er wurde vor ein paar Wochen adoptiert.
Und seht ihn Euch jetzt an, was für eine Verwandlung !
Seine vier Brüder OSGOOD, BARON, IGOR und BADOO warten immer noch im Shelter auf IHREN Menschen!
Egal wie ängstlich ein Hund im Shelter auch sein mag, er wird sich ändern, sobald er eine eigene Couch und ein eigenes, liebevolles Zuhause hat.
Sei Teil des Projekts.
Adoptiere. Spende. Teile
His story:
Marlon, August 2019
Gender: Male
Birthday: June 2015
Breed: Mix
Castrated: Yes
Color: Black and white
Size: Medium
Description: This stunning animal is Marlon. He is one of the five brothers at the shelter. Such a character!
Marlon is approximately 4 years old, little shy but has come a long way since he first got to the shelter. And I really mean it. He never let anyone pet him.
But the workers and volunteers have done a great job making him more social and more comfortable around people.
Nowadays he gets to come out with everyone and he comes to greet and sniff anyone who enters the shelter. He gets along with other dogs very well.
Brother to Osgood, Baron, Igor and Bado.