
Birthday: October 2015
Breed: Mix
Castrated: Yes
Color: Black with tan markings
Size: Medium
Brother to Ozzy, Aretha and Stevie.
This is Jagger or as I like to call him Jaggy Jag.
Jagger was left at the shelter at approximately a month-and-a-half old with his other three siblings. As they begin to grow we noticed that they had mobility issues. This was not apparent when they first came to the shelter because they were hardly walking then. As they grew they began to hop like bunnies in between steps. Also their front shoulders were a bit distended.
The workers along with the volunteers at the time all made the decision not to put any of these animals down. They functioned normally, (besides their movement which was slightly deformed), they played beautifully, they ate and drank and everything else was completely healthy about them. They got therapies of Vitamin B and Cortisone shots which helped a bit.
Our volunteers Noora and Ville named the pups famous musician names: Jagger, Aretha, Ozzy and Stevie.
Ozzy left with Kiia to Finland where he found the grandest home with Sari.
Jagger and Aretha remain at the shelter. They are two years old.
Lively, happy, cheeky lil’ devils whom we love so much.
Consider a special dog.
Their drive for life is so much greater…and so is their love.