Mini DW

Birthday: 2008
Breed: Labrador mix
Castrated: Yes
Size: Medium
What a lady!
She is one of our senior ladies.
She is a brilliantly smart animal. She needs not much fuss but truly loves to sit on furniture and be near her human.
She is approximately 7 years old.
(2 april 2017)
Hey everybody, I’m Mini DW.
Don’t know if you remember me but I was at the doctor’s last week where Elizabeth had taken some photo of me sitting in the waiting room on the chair.
She though it was funny.
I don’t know what was so funny, same way she sits her ass on the chair so do I.
Well anyway, Tiia and Kiia tried to move me into Rosa’s villa today so that we could possibly be senior roomies but that bitch wasn’t having it.
So back into my not so luxurious pen I went.
Elizabeth felt bad for me, (or she just needed a good laugh seeing me sit in chairs) and this afternoon she brought me an awesome arm chair – pillow cushions everywhere!
Doggie heaven, I’m sitting on clouds!
If any of you out there have a comfy arm chair, good food and a loving heart please don’t hesitate to offer our Mini DW a home. You won’t regret it!
Mini DW is a xoxDOG which means she is up for lifelong foster and there is no adoptionfee.
Read more here.