
Birthday: January 2014
Breed: Shepherd mix
Castrated: Yes
Color: Tan with black markings
Size: Medium
Description: Eddie is a shy guy. He warms up rather quickly but on first impressions he is cautious.
Elizabeths words about Eddie:
Eddie has a big place in my heart and a big story.
See, Eddie’s plight did not end when he entered the shelter doors.
Eddie had come to us many years back. A nervous little fella, Eddie was sharing a pen with lots of other dogs who decided to pick on him constantly. So we allowed Eddie to roam free outside of the pens when the others were put away.
Then it came time to castrate him.
The following day after castration, while Eddie wore one of those ridiculous collars to avoid him tampering with the stitches, a caretaker at the shelter forgot to put him away and allowed the other dogs to come out and play. DISASTER.
With the collar on his neck Eddie was a foreigner to the pack and it was only a matter of minutes before over 25 dogs attacked him.
Eddie was severely injured. Imagine. The pack was biting at him and the darn collar disabled him from protecting himself. Even though they rushed to save him, he was torn to shreds.
He was immediately taken to the vet and stitched up. We all decided that for his peaceful and stressless recovery, Eddie could NOT return to the shelter so he went to stay with the wonderful Ellie. That was about six months ago.
Ellie has rehabilitated him into a more social animal. He now enjoys playing with her and the other animals. He sleeps in her bed, he jumps for joy when he sees her.
Sad thing is that Ellie cannot have Eddie any more and he is destined to come back to the shelter.
We don’t want this.
For sure, Eddie will be heartbroken.
I have been working feverishly to rehome him or to at least get him a foster abroad with no luck.
Please help Eddie.
Consider fostering him.
Consider adopting him.
Share his story.
Turn his luck around.
Be a part of the project.