Human Food for Dogs?
Food – a matter of species…
Everyone has probably admired the things his dog can eat without showing any signs of nausea and instead seems very happy. But beware!
Though dogs can eat things you’d even hate to smell, it doesn’t mean they are immune to food poisioning.
As much as we love our dogs, our metabolisms are different: meaning things we love maybe deadly for our pets. So it is important to know which are no-goes.
Furthermore every dog differs slightly. Something which doesn’t cause any symptom in one dog, might knock out the next. Also size does matter – depending on the size of the dog and the amount it has eaten.
If you give a new kind of food – though safe – to your dog, start with a little bit. It still might be allergic to it. And even if ok, don’ t give to many treats because it will lead to an overweight dog. A treat is a treat and a powerful incentive in training, if, when given too often, looses its power.
If a dog eats too much fat in any form, it can lead to pancreatitis. So oily fish from a can f.e. is not a very good idea.
Make sure your dog doesn’t find in the garbage what you carefully don’t give to him in the first place.
Very important for anyone who has to take medicine and especially pills: better take them when and where your dog is not present. If you drop one, it might be quicker swallowed by your dog than you imagine and that could be lethal for your dog f.e. asprine, paracetamol and ibuprophen are poisionous for a dog and can be lethal or cause internal bleeding.
Symptoms of poisioning include diarrhea and vomiting. If your dog can’t keep water down or there is a bit of blood, take your dog to the vet quickly. Also take it immediatly to the vet if it’s still a puppy. Their immune system is not fully developed. With adult dogs you might wait and vomiting should cease within 12 hours, and diarrhea within 3 days. You can feed rice and cooked chicken.
If there are in addition any other symptons showing (f.e. pain, swollen stomach or resperiatory problems etc), take your dog to the vet. It might be something different and very serious.
Not safe:
(DANGER : poisionous and dangerous for dogs)
grapes and raisins (small amounts can lead to kidney failue and death)
chocolate (dogs can’t metabolize therobromine and caffeine, dark chocolate is even worse, vomitting etc, maybe death)
macademia nuts (even a few, vomitting, tremors etc)
onions (damages blood cells, all parts of onion)
avocado (all parts, leads to fluid in lungs, even death)
coffee, tea, coke (caffeine, can lead f.e. to heart problems and lung failure and death)
garlic (damages blood cells, all parts of garlic)
xylitol (in sweets, canned food, chewing gum, toothpaste, leads to drop in blood sugar levels and to seizures, liver failure and death)
alcohol (many severe symptoms which can lead to death)
nutmeg (many severe symptoms f.e. seizures)
lemons and limes (vomitting, tremors, liver failure, death)
raw yeast (alcohol poisioning, bloating)
chicken bones (splinters may cause bleeding inside)
cigarettes (poisonous for curious puppies or dogs)
salt (f.e. chips, salt in human cooked dishes, bread, leads to water deprivation f.e. vomitting, seizures, in high amounts death, makes sure water is always available)
cheese (small amounts, contains lactose and salt)
cashew (1 or 2 per day max, unsalted only)
almonds (small amounts, might provoke choking and hurt the esophagus)
cottage cheese (1 or 2 small spoons, nausea possible)
tomato (only red, a bit; green tomato can cause problems like nausea, high heart rate unlike people)
cinnamon (though non toxic might lead to irritation of mouth etc, nausea and breathing problems)
honey (high in calories, a bit is ok as an occasional treat)
milk (dogs might have problems diggesting lactose well which can lead to nausea etc.)
peanuts (small amount, unsalted)
cherries (no pits which are poisionous, a few)
Safe are the following:
carrots (healthy because of vitamins, cut to prevent choking)
peanut butter (unsalted)
eggs (cooked)
salmon and fish (cooked and boneless)
tuna (plain, no can)
blueberries (healthy)
pop corn (unsalted, no fat, only fully popped because it might be a choking hazard and stuck between teeth)
pine apple (small amounts)
watermelon (healthy, no seeds or rind)
bread (occasional, no raisins)
blackberries (healthy, also frozen)
corn (tablespoon size, never the cobs! Cobs can cause choking and intestinal obstruction)
green peas (healthy, unsalted i.e. careful with cans)
oatmeal (not flavoured)
apples (healthy, no seeds)
brokoli (occasional)
chicken (cooked and no bones!)
sweet potatoes (healthy in moderate amounts)
coconut (healthy, also oil, good for fur, a quarter tspn)
pork (well cooked (Aujetzky virus), unsalted, so no ham etc)
mango ( healthy in small amounts, peeled, no pit)
turkey (plain, no onions or garlic, no skin, boneless)
beef (plain, no salt or sauce)
strawberries (cut to prevent choking)
oranges (moderate quantities)
mushrooms (plain, not with garlic or onion, no wild mushrooms)
potatoes (only cooked, never raw)
celery (cut to bite size pieces)
shrimp (only cooked and without shell)
yoghurt (plain)