Bob (reserved)

Meet Bob! A couple of weeks ago, Bob showed up at the shelter’s doorstep—and he hasn’t left since.
We don’t know where he came from—whether he found his way to us on his own or if someone abandoned him outside.
True to his ginger-cat nature, Bob is friendly, affectionate, and undeniably charming.
He’s quite possibly the sweetest boy on the planet!
Initially, we only took him in to be neutered, but now we can’t bear the thought of sending him back to the streets

Bob adores people so much that he even tried to follow the staff into the shelter, which would be a disaster given all the dogs running loose inside.
This lovable guy is longing for a forever home.
He’d be perfectly happy as an indoor-outdoor cat, as long as he has some delicious food and plenty of love.
Please consider giving Bob the loving home he deserves!
Bob has tested negative for both FIV and FeLV.