Cocker (adopted)

June 2020: We are very sad to announce that Souda Shelter Dad, Clive Barker, has passed. Clive is dad of Mackie (our Cocker) and Missy. He was in a terrible accident with both dogs a few weeks back. Both dogs are okay. Clive was buried yesterday.
Our condolences to his family.
Rest in Peace, Clive❤️
Cocker is adopted!
Cocker, now Mackie, with his new folks ❤️ love them and they love him.
Thank you to our caretaker Νίκος who took the time out and brought Cocker to Mr. and Mrs. Barker’s neighborhood so that he and his sister could meet a couple times in neutral territory❤️.
Our staff is awesome!

Cocker is now in the shelter.

Foster is now in fosters care. Keep fingers crossed…it was a very difficult operation. Internal problems and infections are still possible.
Cocker survived his operation. The operation was even more difficult than the vet expected. Now keep fingers crossed!!!

Look at the smile on his face.
He’s got a two ton hernia hanging from his butt.
He’s old.
He’s homeless.
But he just got admitted to the Souda Shelter.
Look at the smile on his face….
This is the old man’s dog who lived in an abandoned building with the perineal hernia.
Tomorrow he will be operated on. Very difficult operation because of the location of the hernia, because his bladder has shifted into the hernia and is hanging outside of his body and because of his age.
We have already done pre operation tests, bloodwork, etc.
We are set to go. Wish us luck. Let’s hope we can keep that face smiling for a long time.
Everyone meet Cocker.