George (adopted, in Germany for his operation)

Birthday: October 2017
Breed: Mix
Neutered: Yes
Color: Black and white
Size: Medium
George’s second operation was not a success, he will be reoperated. June 2020
Well, the time has come.
George is in Germany at the clinic and on Thursday he goes in for his first operation. January 2020
Everyone, wish our Georgie good luck.
Actually say it, “Good luck George” and send it out into the universe so that it reaches George and the good people who will work on him.
(George on his way to the clinic, January 2020)
George traveled to Karlsruhe, Germany to a shelter who organizes his treatment. Very soon he will be operated. let’s keep fingers crossed that everything will be ok and that he will be able to live a full live!
George is lucky!
There is a lady who will pay for his operation!
He has found a foster, will have his operation and the chance of a painless life ! Of course, he will be up for adoption then.
His diagnosis:
“George has a bilateral lateral patellar luxation of 4th degree.
His trochlear groove is flattened even convex maybe, and his tibial tuberosity is laterally displaced in both hindlimbs.
His hips are fine, Ortolani negative.”
Description: George is an absolutely wonderful dog, loved by so many people.
He likes to be fussed and stroked.
There is no information if he ‘s ok with cats. He is ok with some dogs.
He does have medical issues with his back legs, so no long energetic walks and perhaps he may require surgery or physio in time, please ask for more info if you might be interested in the beautiful boy.