
Breed: Spaniel mix
Color: White with black markings
Size: Medium
Description: Harris was abandoned outside of the shelter about eight months ago. Senior citizen bursting with love. Had a real rough life. He was a hunting TOOL. His character is very soft and gentle.
He is not at all a demanding animal. He likes his sleep but he also likes his walks. Grant him a happy ending. Open your home to him.
Never experienced love and gentle attention. Now he can’t get enough!
Harris was also a candidate for Old Folk’s Week in september 2016:
Today was his day. He got a general blood test done, he got his liver and kidneys checked, he got his eyes checked, his ears checked, his heart and lungs listened to, his lipoma looked at, he got a scratch test done on a bald spot in his fur and he got a shot for a cough that he’s had. Everything was fine except for his blood work which showed a little bit raised white blood count and a little bit dropped hemocrit. For this we sent his blood to the lab for an Erlichia and Leischmania test. In general, Harris is well and ready for a home.
(06/11 2016)
Winter is coming and he needs to get out of the shelter ASAP.
Had his checkup and blood work done.
Everything well and normal for his age.
No leischmania.
C’mon folks! One of the hardest parts of the job is walking into the shelter on a freezing, wet morning where everything is soaked and looking at this old guy and knowing he aches. Don’t let him spend the cold, damp, dark winter in the shelter.
Give him the gift of LIFE. Do the right thing. You WON’T regret it.