Rosa (Passed Away)

Birthday: January 2006
Breed: Shepherd mix
Castrated: Yes
Color: Black with white markings.
Size: Large
Description: She’s got “older person patience” and lets you know when she doesn’t want something.She has changed a lot in the last year and likes to sleep most of the day.
Shelter life is tough on an old girl.
John rescued her from the street and brought her to us. It was threatened she would be poisoned. Unfortunately John can not have her at his home but he comes and visit her sometimes.
Look at her happiness and the love she gives.
Is there anyone, preferably a man, who can give her a home, a warm bed and lots of TLC for the short time she has left here on earth?
(15/12 2016)
Rosa is still at the shelter. Please consider her and add some colorful, happy days to a long, colorless life. She doesn’t have very much time left. She is estimated at over 10 years old. Blessed with the gift of warm loving home you will add years and happy heartbeats to her life.
You won’t regret it. This we can guarantee.
Rosa died peacefully at the shelter after returning.
Rosa update.
Rosa made a big trip to Germany but unfortuneatly it turned out to be a mistake.
Rosa has returned.
A couple of weeks back when I was in Germany I was informed that Rosa was not doing well. It was obvious when meeting with her that her anxiety levels were through the roof.
Sometimes, some dogs do not like it more living in a home. Sometimes, some dogs feel more at home at the shelter.
Rosa is a very stubborn lady who was not for a new way of life.
Her adoptive family was a wonderful setting for any dog. Just not Rosa.
Unfortunately now our Rosa is not the same.
She is incoherent at times and immobile at others.
We are very sad for this outcome and are doing our best to keep her healthy and happy for as long as she likes.
Welcome home Rosa.