Xara (adopted)

Gender: Female
Birthday: January 2014
Breed: Hound mix
Castrated: Yes
Color: Black with brown markings
Size: Medium
Her adoption story: Update 10.9.2021:
Xara was with us from a young girl.
Then, a gentleman came who wanted her.
He was a known hunter and rarely are we willing to give to hunters but he was known for keeping his animals in excellent shape, even cooking for them daily.
The shelter at this time, (before the project), had 250 plus animals, no pens, no partitions, no male castrations, a horror show.
I gave her with half a heart.
I also gave her on one condition, that I pick her up in the next days for neutering.
After numerous unanswered phone calls I saw Xara again after ONE YEAR. That was when her owner appeared and wanted to return her. “She doesn’t hunt, I cannot use her”.
But from the looks of her and from his actions, he did not use her for hunting but for breeding. I quickly took the animal back and with minimal words dismissed the hunter.
Poor girl.
She was back and in a state of shock.
Then in a state of depression.
Then she was avoiding humans.
And then she remained suspicious. Suspicious of all humans, always. Even me, whom she knew and allowed to hug and cuddle. She looked at me with the stare of a being that tries to read your next move.
She stayed at the shelter for years.
Shelter owners changed, staff changed and there was Xara.
One day this year we were given the opportunity to send a senior to our friends at Bergische Tierfreunde, Germany.
And we did. We sent her.
Bergische is an exceptional organization which fosters animals, house trains them and then rehomes them. We have been working with them for many years. A solid cooperation. Great people. Loving, dedicated homes.
Last week, we received the photo below.
Xara in her new home.

Without that look of suspiciousness in her eye.
Without the tenseness of always being on guard.
With the look of a confident and content animal.
We could not be happier.
Thank you Bergische Tierfreunde

Her story:
Description: Xara is a lovely female.
She is a good girl but she has had some bad experiences in her life. She really tries to be close to you but she is still learning to trust people because of her previous experiences. She’s a genuinely kind girl and is good with other dogs and has a heart of gold.
She will be a great dog with her own people.